Say goodbye to grep

ack is a famous code search tool to replace grep (in a lot of use cases): Now there is something even better. There is ag aka The Silver Searcher: ggreer/the_silver_searcher It is like ack, but faster. Why not just grep? Hella fast. Like really really fast. It is beautifully optimized C. It ignores files from .gitignore Instead of doing this with grep: grep -R --exclude-dir=node_modules 'foobar' /path/to/your/code You can just do (if you have node_modules in your .gitignore): ...

July 25, 2021

Echoing multiline in linux terminal

There are at least three fun ways to echo multiline to a file. We are going to look at doing the output twice, the heredoc -method and writing multiline using double quotes. 1. Output twice I think this is the simplest and most intuitive method if you are familiar with linux output redirection. user@server:~/projects/blog\_content$ echo "This file is" >> multiline.txt user@server:~/projects/blog\_content$ echo "multiline" >> multiline.txt user@server:~/projects/blog\_content$ cat multiline.txt This file is multiline 2. Heredoc -method You can replace EOF with your choice of characters. It denotes the ending of your input. ...

February 3, 2018