WPAIO.one - What Page Am I On?

I wanted to see if I could create and publish an app (website) in one day. This app had to have some practical value. An app to keep track of the current book I am reading (Tom Clancy’s Oath of Office). I do use a bookmark, but it is very thin and I wanted an app where I can enter the page I’m currently on. So I created https://wpaio.one

November 16, 2021

Local development is a joke (sometimes)

Local development has many benefits. When you can edit something on your local development machine and see the changes immediately (hot-reload), it makes the feedback loop smaller and makes development that much faster. Different toolkits have different ways of trying to solve local dev. Serverless Offline is a plugin for the Serverless Framework simulates AWS Lambda and other serverless providers to give a working offline version of that serverless app you are trying to create. So instead of calling e.g. https://12312321.execute-api.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/dev you would call http://localhost:3000/. There is LocalStack which will emulate the whole AWS ecosystem. And most front-end frameworks have some sort of hot-reload enabled toolkit. ...

October 15, 2021