Add GSI to existing DynamodDB table (nodejs, aws-sdk)

If you are using the Serverless Framework, you can create DynamodDB and add one GSI (Global Secondary Index) with cloudformation syntax. How to add table: Here is the syntax to add GSI: Official docs related to GSI cloudformation syntax: That’s all fine until you need to add another GSI. You can’t do that with Cloudformation syntax [1]. Luckily we can do that programatically with Node.js (you could also use another programming language and just use the related aws-sdk library: ...

August 5, 2021 automation

I’ve been working on automation for, so that I can unlock domains and order the auth-id (epp-key, transfer key) faster. It uses the API. I wrote it in node.js. It is still in development and I will add more functionality to this application. Here is the npm page: Github: Joker Automation This is a node.js script for automating services. Still in early development. Currently only logs you in and unlocks a domain and gives you the auth-id (transfer key) of a domain. ...

October 9, 2016