cPanel: Listing all domains

I made a bash script listing all main domains and addon domains (for certain user by username or domain or for all users) in cPanel. Usage: lsdom [OPTION] [INPUT] Example: lsdom [cPanel username] Lists domains for certain user by username or domain or for all users Options: -d [domain] Displays all domains of the user of the input domain. -a, --all Lists all domains. -v, --version Displays version. -h, --help This help page. GitHub: ...

February 11, 2018

cPanel: Listing all non-self-signed certificates

I made a bash script listing all non-self-signed certificates (for certain user by username or domain or for all users) in cPanel. Usage: lrcert [OPTION] [INPUT] Example: lrcert [cPanel username] Options: -d [domain] Displays all certificates of the owner of the domain. -a, --all Lists all certificates of all cPanel users -v, --version Displays version. -h, --help This help page. GitHub:

February 10, 2018

Echoing multiline in linux terminal

There are at least three fun ways to echo multiline to a file. We are going to look at doing the output twice, the heredoc -method and writing multiline using double quotes. 1. Output twice I think this is the simplest and most intuitive method if you are familiar with linux output redirection. user@server:~/projects/blog\_content$ echo "This file is" >> multiline.txt user@server:~/projects/blog\_content$ echo "multiline" >> multiline.txt user@server:~/projects/blog\_content$ cat multiline.txt This file is multiline 2. Heredoc -method You can replace EOF with your choice of characters. It denotes the ending of your input. ...

February 3, 2018

End Bash Script Loop

Sometimes when bash scripting you might want the ability to cancel your script’s loop with CTRL-C. Below is an exampl simple script which loops through a file of domains separated by line break and it digs the A record (IP address) of the domain. Read further to learn how to force quit this script. #!/bin/bash while read p; do dig $p A +short done <listofdomains.txt If your list of domains is large your and you want to quit this script, you cant. Pressing CTRL-C will not work. You need to add trap "echo Script ended; exit;" SIGINT SIGTERM to the beginning of your script. E.g. ...

May 3, 2017

How to Search Contents of File in Linux

This is something you need to do often for one reason or another. Maybe you have a bunch of text files, which have been named horribly and you have no idea which file has the thing you are looking for, but you happen to remember a word in that file. Or maybe you need to find which file contains a certain variable to find the root cause of an error you are experiencing in your script. ...

April 15, 2017