PHP: API Class

I built a simple to use class in PHP for the API. It supports all of Namecheap’s API methods. I released the code on GitHub. Example of usage: <?php require 'namecheap.class.php'; $username = 'YOUR USERNAME'; $apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY'; $clientIp = 'IP WHERE THIS YOUR SCRIPT IS HOSTED'; $namecheap = new Namecheap ($username, $apiKey, $clientIp) ; $data\["Command"\] = "namecheap.ssl.getList"; $returned = $namecheap->request($data); print\_r($returned) ?> GitHub release:

May 16, 2017

Reverse of hostname's IP

Are you tired of typing host domain.tld and then typing host just to be able to get the reverse of the ip of the hostname you’re interested in. I know I am. Here is my node.js commandline application as a solution for that problem. This software requires node.js to run, which you can download here: Installation npm i fore-cli -g Usage fore domain.tld Example # fore GitHub repository: ...

April 23, 2017

How to pass command-line arguments in node.js

So you want to pass information to your program. This can be quite easily achieved. The arguments are contained in process.argv. arg.js console.log(process.argv[0]); console.log(process.argv[1]); console.log(process.argv[2]); console.log(process.argv[3]); console.log(process.argv[4]); Testing the code: nake89@debian:~/nodeprojects/soacomp$ node arg.js what is this /home/nake89/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.2/bin/node /home/nake89/nodeprojects/soacomp/arg.js what is this So the first line is the location of your node executable and the second one is the location of the script. These are largely unnecessary which is why the following script is so popular. It strips away the first to results of the array. ...

April 15, 2017 automation

I’ve been working on automation for, so that I can unlock domains and order the auth-id (epp-key, transfer key) faster. It uses the API. I wrote it in node.js. It is still in development and I will add more functionality to this application. Here is the npm page: Github: Joker Automation This is a node.js script for automating services. Still in early development. Currently only logs you in and unlocks a domain and gives you the auth-id (transfer key) of a domain. ...

October 9, 2016